Dil Astrologer


    True guidelines to know about your future life, Family disputes, Love, Marriage, Health, Education, Carrier/Job, Children, Enemy, Business &  Financial matters.

    Check your names, house, vehicle numbers and lucky number too.

    Time : 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM

    Private & Confidential

    Indian Astrologer, Palmist & Numerologist

    Palm reading : hand reading prediction

    Number reading : checking your name, house, telephone and vehicle numbers etc are suitable for you.

    Astrology : making your horoscope /kundly/Teva and stars analysis predictions

    Solutions : How to solve your problems

    (In Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu and English)

    Call for Appointment in Brampton by:

    416 625 3411

    Email : dil.astrologer@gmail.com
